Random Recents

  • at what age do you get over your birthday? at what age do you NEED to get over your birthday?? (9.6.09)
  • this fall semester (last major hurdle) is gonna be like that last 15 minutes of labor (so i've heard)...push it out AY! get it DONE! (9.6.09)
  • it ain't right. it ain't fair. how i've been away from this site that i use partially as my outlet. but i'm back. and trying to make a schedule of sharing time. a lot has happened. let's see how much of it matters. (9.2.09)
  • is seduction still in? (7.26.09)
  • damn, i ain't been here in a minute! (7.26.09)
  • it's july 4th people, i know. great bbq day for all! but please, remember how we really colonized this mofo. with mass genocide. remember your history! (7.4.09)
  • speechless. don't think it's hit me yet. R.I.P. Ed, Farrah & Michael. this week is too much! (6.25.09)

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Good One

"You can't find peace until you find all the pieces." - The Locator.

Oh, One More Thing...


Have fun. Be safe. Love and live life!

A New Year, A New You?

I know I've talked about "resolutions" already. But whatever. Just because it's a new year doesn't really mean that ANYTHING is changing drastically OR soon. As I said before, any kind of change that you really want to see will be a process. So resolutions typically don't work because people are so set on the destination, that they forget about the journey to take them there. And people have not taken the time to think about what that journey means.

So all these away messages and facebook statuses that I'm seeing about "new year, new me"...are really lost on me. Because most of you people are not going to change. And you're only going to be pissed when 2010 rolls around and you're still acting the damn same. Oh, and PLEASE do not make resolutions for/about other people. Keep your goals to what is in your control. You will only be disappointed if so and so doesn't conform to a goal that you made for yourself through them.

If you're going to make a plan of action, you need to also make some backup plans, and some ground rules of satisfaction. So that if your goal is not met, there is a lesser degree of contentedness that you can find within yourself so that you're not spending the next 12 months of your life pining over what you have not accomplished yet.

Be smart. Take it slow. Be realistic. But also, and probably most important, know when the time is right. Know your motivation style, and don't force it. Me losing 30 pounds ain't the same for you, boo. Know your capabilities, know your limits. Work within a balance.

And learn the whole way through....

Love During Sex

When people say "I love you, [insert correct name here, preferably]" during sex, do you believe them? Can you believe them?

What is it that makes people say some magic words during the act of intercourse? Does that make the sex (lovemaking) better? Have they said it to you outside of intercourse? Is there such a rush of emotion and feeling during sex, so many hormones being poured out into (and onto) the other person, that there will likely be these uncontrollable outbursts?

Sometimes, I think that people feel more love during sex than in any other aspect of their relationship. Can this be why so many ladies "give it up" to keep the man? Or feel as though he's the one because the sex is so good? Or maintain a relationship with a dude who's really not right because the game is SO good? (whether they realize this or not...) Because during this act is when they feel loved by someone the most?

Was it Usher who proposed to Chili during sex? (Someone let me know if I'm wrong.) But for real, can what is said during passionate love making be taken outside of the act itself? There are many instances of both appropriate and inappropriate words said during sex by both partners. Whether they are confessions of feelings, instructions on what to do, or raunchy words that border on sadochism/masochism.

So are we more likely to accept what is said in the heat of the moment?

Just thinkin on the keyboard...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

All Around Me

My roommate Kim put me onto this song by Flyleaf a while ago, and I'm mad that I forget about it sometimes. More recently, Nicole reminded me of my love for it.

It's one of my rock out songs..."I'm alive! I'm aliiiiive!"


I am sooooo behind on posts. I have so many drafts to complete! I don't know I thought coming to Jersey for the holidays would be a break! Promise to come back soon...but things I've been thinking -

--when the ex boyfriend/lover REALLY become the ex in your mind, body and soul? What are the signs? How are the interactions, if any?

--I'm the "therapist" in my bunch of friends, so I've had years of practice at GOOD listening, being objective and giving good advice. but I've only JUST realized myself releasing judgment...is it because I'm maturing? or because I'm actually learning more theory/practice through working with psychotic people? or is it because I'm tired of people judging me??

--friends....are lifelines. They pick you up when you're down. they keep you up when you're climbing. But, they're also overrated, and I'm fine with cutting down. Actually, I'm perfecting the art of cutting down. And cutting out. Does wonders for my phone bills!

--ever have those people in your life (romantically speaking) that you KNOW you'd be good with in a relationship...even if just for a short while? I have one. and...it kind of freaks me out.

--family. A gift and a curse. But I wouldn't change mine for the world! I just wish I was closer to extended family...something that will be hard for me to keep up with from the Midwest...but I will try!

That's all for now. I'll be sure to post some stuff by the weekend!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

OTB's Resolutions

Not to brag, but I've got a lot and don't really need anything for Christmas. But, that never stops a girl from wanting! And by alot, I really mean love. I have great friends, an outstanding (and crazy, and neurotic inducing) family, good health, attainable goals and a promising future. I try not to ask for more. And the year of 2008 brought me feelings of love that I didn't know I had in me. And feelings I didn't know another person could have for me, for that matter.

So, I'm good.

I won't call these New Year's Resolutions (although they're obviously being made around the time) because they are continuous. I don't only want to work on these things from January 1st 2009, to maybe March, so I can say that I at least tried. These are ongoing things to keep me on my A game. Because I have no option to be on anything less, from here on out.

But 2009? I'm definitely comin' in swingin'. Nothing tangible. More interpersonal, intellectual, and interpsychic.

1. I need and want to be a better friend. I've changed, and the people who I know and love have changed. I need to find that balance, and work on it. Strong friendships can only make you a stronger person.

2. I'm declaring war on my will to be and to feel happy. I will think with my heart more (which may get me in trouble), but which I won't regret.

3. I will be more honest. With you, and with myself. Lying to yourself only hurts you in the end. And...my lies to myself never stick. So it's a damn waste of my time!

4. Care less. My energy levels aren't like they used to be, so caring about everything and anything just wears me out. This, will be a tough one, maybe my toughest, I promise.

5. Do more. I need to be more proactive than reactive.

And that's all I can think of for now. Again, nothing exhaustive, and ever-expanding. Off to wrap presents!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

In Control.

I'm not the best person in the world. I'm not the nicest person in the world. In fact, I have numerous faults. Some that I'm ashamed of, some that I've tried to hide, some that I've learned to live with, some I try to ignore, and some I've tried to chop down. Sometimes my morals are non-existent, and I'm not always a lady. My smile is typically plastered on my face, and I tend to analyze any and everything that you say or do.

Sometimes I curse, and sometimes I'm irrational. Sometimes I get mad at the wrong person, and I don't apologize. Sometimes I'm very spiteful when I feel as though I've been wronged.

I can't cook that well, and if you really give a damn about that for wife purposes, you should look elsewhere. I also don't clean as regularly as I should. My place is frequently a mess, and I tend to clean when I'm about to have company, or when I get pissed that I can't find something that I'm looking for.

I don't pay all of my bills on time every month and I'm not great at saving. I don't always do my homework. I procrastinate like a professional. Sometimes I'm a bad friend. Sometimes I'm a hypocrite. Hey, sometimes I'm a straightup and downright bitch. And while I know this, don't you dare come out of your mouth and call me on it.

Sometimes I'm passive aggressive because I feel like being outwardly mean will cause a confrontation. Leading to, sometimes I'm a punk. Sometimes I start arguments just to win, and sometimes I start arguments with you to prove that you care. Sometimes I point out flaws in others as a way of denying them in myself.

Sometimes I act like the "typical" girl and sometimes I act like the "typical" dude. I get emotional, and know the perfect way to be a brat to get my way. Sometimes I'm rude to you, and don't really give a damn, no matter how much your feelings have been hurt.

My hair isn't always done, and I don't shower twice a day. Or every day for that matter. Sometimes I don't do laundry for months, until I'm down to bikini bottoms or washing old underwear by hand to wear the next day. Sometimes I pick my nose, and if there is no tissue handy, I "roll and blow." I don't act like an adult all the time, and my maturity wavers.

I've fallen for men for the wrong reason. I've had sex for the wrong reason. I've put myself in situations where all I could do is lose, but I just knew in my heart that I should win. I've conducted myself in ways that my mother would not be proud of. I've done things that my father would cringe at. And my brother and sister? Basically, they know very little about me.

I don't tell my friends everything and I've lied to all of them before at least once. Sometimes, the truth doesn't always come out and honesty is not always the best policy. I've hurt other women before to get what I want from a man, knowingly and unknowingly. My eyebrows are not always done, and if you saw my feet right now, you'd call the police. Sometimes I try too hard to get attention, just to prove that I still got it, and sometimes I shy away from attention for fear that I won't get any. I'm insecure on the occasion about my weight, size, height and intellectual capabilities. And sometimes I think that I won't be a good therapist.

Some of these things, I'm in control of. Some of this, I'm not. This is all to say, that with all of my flaws, I am still unconditionally in love with myself. I am generally proud of my accomplishments, and I am in love with the way that I love people. Many of these things about me will never change. While I do have some regrets, they have all taught me more about myself and the way that I choose to interact with others. I still sometimes conduct myself in ways that I'm not proud of, but being older, and being wiser, these are decisions that I have chosen to make, to try to secure my happiness in whatever area of my life. Whether I get what I want or get bit in the ass, the choices are mine now, and no longer a consequence of not knowing any better.

I'm in control of my life enough now to follow my mind only when I want to, and to follow my heart when I feel like I need to. The importance of this balance has just been realized, and although I may never get it right, I am comfortable and confident enough in myself to know that it would only be wrong to do it any other way.

Marta Train Madness.

check this out and comment please. Her family claims that BiPolar Disorder is at play and she has affectionately been named "Soulja Girl," by people who have watched this or who were there. What do you think?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Way to Let Yourself Go.

I couldn't believe it when I saw one of these pictures on a friend's facebook page. Had to do some investigative work (that I've become so good at...)holla @ ya boy!

Friday, December 19, 2008


this is disgusting. i am appalled. why would you want this? how do you get this? do you like this? is this what's hot?

thanks www.dlisted.com

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Just Like Me.

this video is just hilarious. props to all involved. get the album!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I'm not really big on cooking. It's not that I can't. (not saying that I can) I just don't. Too tired. Too lazy. Many things that I'd want to make/eat require specific ingredients that I just cannot find at my Mexican corner store.

So I've decided to make some changes. When is a better time than the new year??

2009 will be my recipe year.

I don't know if that means that I'll be collecting recipes, trying recipes of others, or digging in and making some new stuff. But, with a new kitchen (hopefully to be remodeled by early 2009), I will have new vigor and a new interest in being healthier and getting my "grown" on. We'll see.

Here's to good food in 2009! (and probably some bad food along the way... ;)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Just Ignorant.

And sad. And actually, very scary! Please comment. courtesy of www.bossip.com. And I know it's long, but watch the ENTIRE clip! I'm still in shock of this madness:

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Suga Nuggets. Really, Though?

So, 90's R&B singer and tryna be a comback kid Keith Sweat is endorsing the 25th anniversary of McDonald's Chicken McNuggets. So there is a REAL song with him declaring his love for McNuggets like he was talkin to his boo snatch or somethin'. Not like my favorite commercial, but a REAL SONG!

Wow McDonald's. Killin me this quarter! And I can't even be mad at them, cuz at 1100am on the dot, I'm takin' my butt right over to Mickey D's and coppin a 10 piece nugget with sweet & sour sauce. Yup.

Link below is to his website, on the page where his "new hit" is playing...enjoy!


Friday, December 5, 2008


I've heard alot of stories regarding begging lately. A LOT. Men begging, women begging. Begging for sex, begging for love, begging for companionship. Just plain begging.

And I must say, that shit is disgusting to me. Say that I have too much pride, whatever. But, I do not beg, boo. And if I WAS going to beg, it would have to be after IIIIIIIIII did something wrong!

#1 Case in Point: Woman begs man to stay with her, after she hears that he is in love with someone else, and wants to leave the current situation. Woman proceeds to beg man to stay with her because she loves him more, and because of their history together. Woman begs man to be with her physically, after there have been enough circumstances to safely say that he is not attracted to her too much. We won't get into how said man responded.

BUT, really though? We're gonna beg a man to stay with us, who has been playing us out on occasion after occasion? We're gonna beg a man to stay with us, who has expressed that he wants to be elsewhere? Where's ya head at? Where's ya self esteem? WHERE IS YOUR STAR PLAYER? (get wit that Kat Williams)

It saddens me, sickens me, confuses me, makes me laugh, etc. I just don't understand. If I did nothing wrong in this situation, what the hell am I begging you for? That's embarrassing. No other words for it. Embarrassing. Disgracing. Distasteful. Pitiful, and pathetic. And for SEX nonetheless? Isn't that like, an oxymoron? A woman begging for some sex? I didn't even know we could form our mouths around the words to even ask for that shit. Let alone beg someone for it. As my friend always says: Not on my watch.

#2 Case in point: Man begs for sex. That's a no-no. Like, a STRICT no-no. It's a turn off. You that pressed that you're about to beg me for the goods? Regardless of how "good" the goods may be, where is your self esteem? And for women in a situation where said man does the begging, is the thrill still there afterward? I don't think I'd want to get down with you after you beg, boo. Note: there are different forms of begging that come from a man. There's the relationship sex type begging where he just wants some MORE sex, and may bother you alot one night/morning, whichever. This is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about someone you're casually sexin', or someone you haven't even BEGUN to sex, who is really sitting there begging you. Like "please," "just for a lil bit," "please let me just put the tip in," "i won't ask again after this, please, i really need some tonight," type nonsense.

Get outta here with that. Because I'm more familiar with the man begging scenario, I'm more pissed at the woman begging situation. Because in that situation (which could be a man in that place as well), she's begging for love. She's begging for a relationship. And that what saddens my heart. Love is something that needs to be natural. A realtionship should be something that both parties want. With each other. Love should not be a contingency plan, folks. No collateral should be involved. And when there is, just know that love won't last.

With that said, beggars beware. Cuz you might get what you ask for, but you'll never get what you need.

William Balfour's Mother.

courtesy of www.bossip.com.

talk about it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Love Her.

adele. get wit it.

Monday, December 1, 2008

World AIDS Day 2008

Public Service Announcement Time folks. Today, December 1st, 2008 marks the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day. I'm sure there are many places in your area where you can pick up a free red ribbon and wear this is honor of the day and pledging a small, silent dedication to this very important cause.

Take the time to remember those you've known, seen, or heard of that have been impacted by HIV and AIDS. IMPACTED, not died from, not sick from, but have felt the effect of knowing someone or losing someone to the disease. Trust me, you know more people that have been impacted than you may think.

Studies are saying that Black women have become the new face of HIV and AIDS. Tough statistics I have heard say that up to between 75% and 82% of new HIV cases PER YEAR are minority women; Black women making up the majority of that percentage. But remember, just because of that, does not mean that HIV / AIDS has a target population. Anyone can be infected, at any time. GET TESTED, wrap that shit up, use clean needles, do whatever you have to do to protect yourself and others. While there are medications out there that can help you live out a full and long lasting life, there is still reason to be cautious.

Be on your J.O.B. Educate yourself. Educate others. Educate children. Educate parents. Today is not the only day to do this, but it's the present day, and I can't think of any better time to start!

GET TESTED. I ain't gon tell you again. I don't give a damn how long you been with him/her, if you know their parents, or if you know all of his/her ex-lovers. The majority of the problem is that people DO NOT KNOW that they have been infected, and therefore do not act accordingly. Many places offer free testing, and if you're nervous, try to go with a friend for support. Results are always confidential and trust me, getting tested of your own will is the best case scenario than what can possibly happen next.

Take responsibility for yourself. Studies show that African Americans should be getting tested twice a year nowadays. So get your shit together. I don't give a damn if you haven't had even a BREATH of sweet lovin in the past year, GET TESTED. (Last time I'm telling you)
