Random Recents

  • at what age do you get over your birthday? at what age do you NEED to get over your birthday?? (9.6.09)
  • this fall semester (last major hurdle) is gonna be like that last 15 minutes of labor (so i've heard)...push it out AY! get it DONE! (9.6.09)
  • it ain't right. it ain't fair. how i've been away from this site that i use partially as my outlet. but i'm back. and trying to make a schedule of sharing time. a lot has happened. let's see how much of it matters. (9.2.09)
  • is seduction still in? (7.26.09)
  • damn, i ain't been here in a minute! (7.26.09)
  • it's july 4th people, i know. great bbq day for all! but please, remember how we really colonized this mofo. with mass genocide. remember your history! (7.4.09)
  • speechless. don't think it's hit me yet. R.I.P. Ed, Farrah & Michael. this week is too much! (6.25.09)

Friday, February 13, 2009

What Do You Think?

Heart Truth's (an awareness campaign for women about heart disease) Red Dress Collection 2009 Fashion Show...

YAY FOR NIA LONG!! Do we ever get tired of her ageless beauty??

NAY FOR VIVICA FOX!! Am I the only one who has been over her since her divorce a few years ago and fast decline since turning 40??? From her 'hood booga brush with 50 Cent, to some bad collagen in her lips, Vivica has lost it for me...


I'll end with some tidbits that all women should know about heart disease. In alliance with the best motto I've heard all year: KNOW BETTER, DO BETTER.

-> one in four women in the United States dies of heart disease, while one in 30 dies of breast cancer.

-> An astonishing 80 percent of women ages 40 to 60 have one or more risk factor for heart disease.

-> It's not just a men's disease. If you've got a heart, heart disease can be your problem.

-> Mmong U.S. women ages 18 and older, 17.3 percent are current smokers, 51.6 are overweight (BMI 25 or greater), 27 percent have hypertension, 35 percent have high cholesterol, and 53 percent do not meet physical activity recommendations.

-> African American and Hispanic women, in particular, have higher rates of some risk factors for heart disease and are disproportionately affected by the disease compared to white women. More than 80 percent of midlife African American women are overweight or obese, 52 percent have hypertension, and 14 percent have been diagnosed with diabetes. Some 83 percent of midlife Hispanic women are overweight or obese, and more than 10 percent have been diagnosed with diabetes.

-> To protect your heart, it is vital to make changes that address each risk factor you have. (READ: going to the gym for a few months at the beginning of every ain't cuttin it, ladies. I don't give a damn how slim/trim you are. Being healthy is a mind frame; your psychological health, your physical health, your spiritual health, your healthy relationships.

-> Talk to your doctor. Don't wait for him/her to talk to you.

(courtesy of http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/index.htm)

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