Random Recents

  • at what age do you get over your birthday? at what age do you NEED to get over your birthday?? (9.6.09)
  • this fall semester (last major hurdle) is gonna be like that last 15 minutes of labor (so i've heard)...push it out AY! get it DONE! (9.6.09)
  • it ain't right. it ain't fair. how i've been away from this site that i use partially as my outlet. but i'm back. and trying to make a schedule of sharing time. a lot has happened. let's see how much of it matters. (9.2.09)
  • is seduction still in? (7.26.09)
  • damn, i ain't been here in a minute! (7.26.09)
  • it's july 4th people, i know. great bbq day for all! but please, remember how we really colonized this mofo. with mass genocide. remember your history! (7.4.09)
  • speechless. don't think it's hit me yet. R.I.P. Ed, Farrah & Michael. this week is too much! (6.25.09)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Syracuse Meets Chicago!

So since I've been in the big city, there have been quite a few people from my past that have stopped through, which I'm always thoroughly excited about. It just seemed that as soon as I stepped foot here, this seemed to be the place for job trainings, new careers, sight seeing events, etc. So, I always love feeling a bit of my former life while I'm here.

Cuz it gets lonely sometimes. :-(

I've had ex-boyfriends / old lovers come to town, friends turned into brief lovers, best friends, as well as just good buddies stopping through town...and this weekend I ran into someone randomly from undergrad on the train, like, "oh sh*t! a familiar face in a big city!" While we didn't really hang out in undergrad, his face just brightened my entire evening...

Then I got the great news that someone I DID hang out with at SU just moved here this weekend! So what does this mean? Drinks, lunches, brunches and dinner dates to keep me sane (and help me procrastinate)! We grown now, we're gonna do it a little different from campus on the hill...

Hey, we all love the familiar. Personally, it brings me a little closer to the east coast, puts me more in touch with my past...and bring me a little closer to the real me.

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