Hardly displayed in the media, and pathologized in literature written about African Americans.
An entity, a power, a dynamic that has supported the souls of my Black people for hundreds of years; from Africa and outward.
The uniting factor that has kept my parents together for 34 going on 35 years., and hopefully many many more.
Epitomized by our new First Family, and contrary to popular belief, not just about sexual attraction and uncontrollable, uninformed urges.
Black Love.
Something so endured by this beautiful couple, and emulated beautifully by this family both on and off the camera.
Consisting of images that can no longer perpetuate the notion that this love, our love, doesn't exist anymore. Images that no long reinforce the notion that true, undefined, and original romantic love between Black people is a myth.
Black Love.
Something that I long for always, strive for always, and have realized for the first time ever in my life. Something that has no end, and that if true, will keep creating itself.
Please believe it. And please keep believing IN it.
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